The Children's Museum of Wilmington has built thoughtful partnerships to help further our mission to provide a welcoming and engaging environment that promotes hands-on art, science, and literacy-focused learning for all children and their caregivers.
Bí linn ar an 11ú Comórtas Bliantúil Gailf Fore The Children i gClub Tír Cape Fear. Cláraigh don cheant ciúin, bí mar dhuine aonair, nó déan do fhoireann a thógáil mar ghnáthchúrsa. Tugann an comórtas seo lá gailf upscale i gClub Tír Cape Fear, lón i mboscaí, duaiseanna, agus ceant ciúin. Bí cinnte clárú chun tairiscintí a dhéanamh inár gceant ciúin chun deis a bheith agat imirt ag cuid de na cúrsaí is áille san Oirdheisceart. Beidh duaiseanna ann do na sé chríochnaitheoir foirne is fearr agus duaiseanna don bheirt is gaire don bhior.
ACM Reciprocal Network
The ACM Reciprocal Network is a voluntary group of ACM member museums open across the U.S. and Canada that reciprocate discounted admission to each other’s members.
200 museums participate in the network and reciprocate 50% off general admission for up to six (6) people. The card holder must be present for discounted admission.
Bí linn ar an 11ú Comórtas Bliantúil Gailf Fore The Children i gClub Tír Cape Fear. Cláraigh don cheant ciúin, bí mar dhuine aonair, nó déan do fhoireann a thógáil mar ghnáthchúrsa. Tugann an comórtas seo lá gailf upscale i gClub Tír Cape Fear, lón i mboscaí, duaiseanna, agus ceant ciúin. Bí cinnte clárú chun tairiscintí a dhéanamh inár gceant ciúin chun deis a bheith agat imirt ag cuid de na cúrsaí is áille san Oirdheisceart. Beidh duaiseanna ann do na sé chríochnaitheoir foirne is fearr agus duaiseanna don bheirt is gaire don bhior.
north Brunswick Chamber of Commerce
The North Brunswick Chamber of Commerce supports and promotes the business community in northern Brunswick County, N.C. Our membership includes businesses currently located in northern Brunswick County, businesses who are seeking to grow or establish a footprint here, non-profit organizations, governmental bodies, and individuals who wish to support our local business community.