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Le linn an champa STEM beimid ag foghlaim faoi bhrainsí éagsúla na heolaíochta mar cheimic, fhisic, bhitheolaíocht, agus eolaíochtaí talún, chomh maith le gníomhaíochtaí innealtóireachta spraoi a dhéanamh. Is é aidhm an champa seo na campálaithe a mhúineadh faoi thábhacht STEM agus iad i mbun gníomhaíochtaí spraoi a chabhróidh le campálaithe an fhaisnéis a choinneáil. Cabhraíonn áiseanna oideachais STEM le cuidiú le leanaí a bheith ina smaointeoirí criticiúla agus iad a spreagadh le bheith ina nuálaithe sa todhchaí.

Moltar an campa seo d’aois 5-8.

Déan cinnte liostáil lenár r-nuachtlitir seachtainiúil chun coinneáil suas lenár nuashonruithe campa go léir.

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Hello parents! I am SO excited to be teaching your children this week at summer camp! 


A little bit about myself: I attended the University of North Carolina at Wilmington for my undergraduate studies. I graduated in May of 2017 and received my Bachelors Degree in History and my Secondary Licensure for Education. I started my teaching career at South Brunswick High School in Southport, NC in August of 2017 as a Social Studies teacher. There, I also coach Basketball and Track, as well as lead Interact Club for the students. I have been working at the Children’s Museum since I was at UNCW and have fallen in love with the summer camp programs we have here at the museum! This will be my seventh year leading the camps and I have learned so much about teaching young children through this amazing opportunity. Every year we work to make your child’s experience more exciting, educational, and memorable! I look forward to meeting you and educating your children this week! Thank you for all of your continued support for the Children’s Museum of Wilmington! A fun fact about me is that I have been skydiving!

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